
How are we in July already – The time certainly flies when you’re having fun!

Quarter 2: are you ready for the next season of the year?

It’s no joke that as a small business owner it can be hard to manage everything, especially when you prioritise and know that you have certain targets to meet. Social media can be hard to juggle and fit in to the pattern and to do it well creates even more stress for some.

How can you make a difference to the outcome of your social media efforts? ENJOY it! 😉

If you’re not creatively minded or don’t have a flair for design, perhaps you find it hard to create eye-catching graphics or posts that grab attention. But there is another way… tap into the emotion of your readers – make them laugh!

Always laugh when you can. It is cheap medicine. — Lord Byron

It’s ok to smile and laugh – in fact laughter is good for the soul, it motivates us, inspires us and gives us the energy to persevere and carry on. If you pass that onto your readers, you’ll give them that same boost and lift in confidence.

When you start to hit an emotion, people start to resonate, people start to enjoy your content, start liking or sharing, and before you know it, you’ve got a knock-on effect of engagement on your channels.

Grow your social media channels by tapping into the emotions of your readers - make them laugh!ALWAYS have fun with your social media content, it doesn’t matter what type of business or industry you are in, everyone’s human and enjoys a laugh every now and again.

Most people go on social media to check in with friends or family or to see what’s happening in the world – if you can brighten their day and give them something to smile about, even better!

So, as we delve into the second half of the year, be serious about the goals and targets you have for your business, but find creative ways to make them successful.

If you’re looking for a way to manage your marketing strategy, or are fed up with post-it notes everywhere and hundreds of tabs open on your laptop – why not treat yourself to a copy of our Social Media Planner, just £7.99 over on Amazon.

Whatever the season, whatever the day of the week, give your social channels the happiness they deserve.

If you’ve got anything to add, please drop a comment or below, we value your opinions also.

** Struggling to hit the emotion with your audience to see growth? Why not give us a call and let us work with you to create a social media strategy and plan to help you get the results you need to finish the year on target.

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