Is It Time To Get Rid Of The Blanket And Start Something New?

Is It Time To Get Rid Of The Blanket And Start Something New?

I have been reminiscing recently of when I used to walk my little girl to nursery and about the blanket that she carried around with her everywhere…and I mean everywhere! We had lots of different blankets, most of which looked the same, but she KNEW exactly which one was her favourite and if went missing! The ‘favourite’ blanket was covered in holes, was tatty and really had seen better days. So, often as we walked down the road I used to think to myself “is it time to get rid of the blanket and let her move on?”


So true is this of things in our lives and also our dreams. Lots of times we hang on to things that really don’t matter and they’re just habits or ‘that’s just what we do’ things and we’re holding ourselves back and not stepping up and moving on. Following our dreams and achieving our ambitions and goals means that we sometimes need to let go of the norm and come out of our comfort zone. We need to work out what we really need to do to achieve our dreams, lay out a plan of what needs to be done to get there….and go do it.


Dream Big!


How many of us dream of having a life of luxury or even just being comfortable, not worrying about the struggles of life and being able to go and do the things we never thought we’d be able to? Not to be tied down to a normal, regular 9-5 job, earning the money for the big bosses at the top and not really gaining anything for ourselves? Wouldn’t it be great to be fully functional in our own businesses, high flying and on our way to being the best? To know that you’ve achieved everything you’ve set out to achieve and there’s only bigger and better things to come?


Taking time to think about what you really want to do, finding a solution in your chosen market / niche and putting 100% effort in to achieve that dream will give the best foundation and push to get you going.


Finding a mentor or network group who can motivate and inspire you can also give you that edge and motivation to keep going when you think you’re ready to give in, they can give you a boost and lift that you’re looking for to get you on your way – and not only ‘on your way’ but help you succeed, achieve those goals and dreams and help you become financially independent and not worry about where the next penny is going to come from!


I know this sounds too good to be true but it’s been proven. There are so many people that can testify to this happening for them and by believing in what you can do and pushing yourself to achieve, they  have literally turned their lives around, giving them the best in life and helping them to fulfill their ambitions.


My challenge to you today is to think about what you REALLY want out of life and to plan and map out how you will be able to achieve it. By letting go of your blanket and going for something new, it could be the start of something amazing, not just for you but for your family and those around you and also for the people that you will meet along the way and impact. Just what could be around the corner for you?

Thanks for reading, would love your comments below :-)

Get Motivated, Focused and Give Your Business A Chance Of Success

Get Motivated, Focused and Give Your Business A Chance Of Success

Do you have goals and ambitions that you are working towards?

Do you set yourself targets and goals each week and each day to achieve?

Are you focused and target driven to ensure success in your business?

If you want to get on the right track and make your business a success then the answer to the above questions must be “YES” and you must ensure that the answer is yes throughout your business journey to keep consistency and continuity.

Your mindset must be right; the way you think and the way you tackle situations should be positive, focused and always on the bright side. Negative thinking will result in negative results and take your down a path that is not part of your goals and will steer you away from what you want to achieve.

How much better is a situation when you see the positive in it rather than a negative?

You are never too old to set another goal or dream a new dream.


No matter where you are in life, if you’re young and just starting out in business or if you’re a little older and wiser and are at the end of your working career – there is always a chance to have a dream and set goals to achieve them. It’s never too late and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.

Losing sight of the dreams means to give up and this is not the right mindset you should be in if you want to succeed in your business.

Always be keen to try something new. Always have an eye open for a new opportunity. Always be willing to say yes and take a risk – the people who succeed in this world are always willing to take risks and to seek opportunities.

With all this in mind, it’s not always easy to do it alone. It’s wise to have a group of people alongside you to comfort and to support, to lift you and to encourage you. Never try and do it on your own or you will end up down a lonely road – in your positive thinking, join support groups or find online communities where you can tap in and know that there are people there for.


Facebook actually has a lot of these that many people don’t even know about. There are thousands of groups online where you can find the support that’s focused on what you personally need. Search for these groups and network with people in order to find the mixture of cultural, personal and work style that you need in order to keep you focused and keep you sane!

So much of our business success comes down to our attitude and our way of thinking. The Richard Branson’s of this world did not get to where they are by being negative and questioning whether they are able to succeed – no, they knew their goals and the said YES to every opportunity in order to fulfill them.

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