Calling All Virtual Assistants

Calling All Virtual Assistants

Calling all Virtual Assistants and Online Service Providers….

Have you got more to offer your clients?

Can you up-sell your services and add benefit to both yours and your client’s business?

The answer is YES. You DEFINITELY can.

Whilst at first you may only start off servicing your client in one particular area, this does not have to be the only task you do for them.

Ok, so let’s say you start off with Social Media Management. It’s a daily task that you do, which takes you an hour a day and that’s what the client expects from you. But haven’t you got so much more you can offer them?

social media

You may not even realise that you’re able to offer more but you have skills and knowledge that can be used to their potential and at the same time – earning you money!

Make a list of all the things that you are able to do. This could be a variety of different tasks: spreadsheets, power point presentations, calendar/diary management, blog post writing, website management, project management, graphic design, photography, … and the list goes on. There are so many things out there that a client may not even have thought of, however these are things that you are able to offer.

Why not have a chat with your client, suggest to have a consultation to see if you can help improve their business, to see if you’re able to offer a service that will boost their gain. There’s no harm in asking and if a seed is planted and you can explain the tasks that you’re able to perform – even if they say no right now, they’ll retain that conversation in their mind and one day in the near future they might actually think it’s something they’d like to pursue.

Dropping a little seed often takes times to grow but it can be something that can be given a little water from time to time to see if they could benefit from what you can do for them. They will never know if you never offer or try so it’s always worth an attempt in offering your services at every given opportunity and if the opportunity doesn’t arise, then make it happen! Regular consultations with your client is healthy and creates a great working relationship. They will learn to trust your instinct and your judgment and perhaps give you more scope and try out more of your services. The more you can do for your client, the more it will lighten the load from them giving them opportunity to free up time to concentrate on other aspects of their business. This will develop a great working relationship and build a bond. It will also build your business and give you more experience and growth. All round a good investment!

I’m a great believer in ’lists’ and seeing things written down in front of me.

So start today.

Write down all the different services that you could offer your client. I guarantee that once you actually start to write them down, there will be more on there than you realise!
Use this list when you make a date for your consultation and suggest the ideas that you have with your client explaining how these new tasks could benefit them and free them up to do other things.

Please share your comments and let me know how this works for you 🙂


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