
In order to understand how content marketing can impact a business, we need to understand what content marketing is and the benefits it can have on business owners.


What is content marketing?

According to the dictionary, content marketing is defined as: A type of marketing that involves the creation and sharing of online material (such as videos, blogs, and social media posts) that does not explicitly promote a brand but is intended to stimulate interest in its products or services.

Another way of looking at it, is how the Content Marketing Institute put it: Content marketing is a strategic marketing approach focused on creating and distributing valuable, relevant, and consistent content to attract and retain a clearly defined audience – and, ultimately, to drive profitable customer action.

The main thing to remember is that content marketing is about being educational and not all about selling a product.


What is content marketing good for? 

The reasons we look to content marketing is not ultimately to promote a product but about building a brand and reputation. Here are some other reasons:

  • To build an engaged and interested audience – making sure that you’re taking the people that you want to speak to and not generalising at anyone that will listen.
  • To educate customers – teaching your customers or potential customers about your business or industry.
  • To increase sales in the long-term.
  • To build a loyal customer base and create a brand that people will know, love and trust.


How can a business use content marketing effectively?

What do people know about your brand?

If you search Google or the search engines for you / your business, what do you find?
This can be a great exercise as you get to see what other people can find out about you.
Do you like what you find? Are you surprised by the results that you find?

By building on your content marketing, you can start to create a base and substance for what people are going to find when they do their due diligence and research your business. You can start to get control over the content people find about you. And the more good content you create, the more reputable your business will become.


Practice – Patience – Persistence

It can be easy to get worked up when you don’t get it right all the time but that’s just part of the process (and a part of life!). Not everyone is good at creating great content, but you will get better if you keep practicing, have patience and are persistent in your approach.

Results will happen when you have patience. But you have to be consistent and persistent. Don’t forget that if you really find that you’re not great after all at content marketing, there are people there ready to help. Outsourcing marketing is a common occurrence and just means that you’re looking after the interests of your business, focusing on what you do best and allowing an expert to take care of the other stuff.

Understand your business goals

understand your business goals and mission statement when it comes to creating engaging content for small business marketing

Producing content for the sake of it will not get you anywhere fast, it will just increase stress, workload and worry about not producing results. Every piece of content should be created with a business goal in mind. Although this may seem a long process, for everything you produce, ensure that it aligns with a business goal and establish how it is going to benefit your long or short-term goals.

Consider your business goals, where do you ultimately want to get to, and think about how your content can contribute towards achieving them…

  • Raising brand awareness
  • Build an email list / customer base
  • Provide a good customer journey and experience
  • Upsell existing customers
  • Help customers to be an advocate of your brand


Understand your mission and values

Just as you did with your business goals, each piece of content has got to be in line with your mission and values. There is absolutely no point in creating content that goes against what you believe, or doesn’t sit right with the people you want to reach, or even with the values that you promote. Your content needs to true to what your brand is about.

Consider your values or mission and how your content can contribute towards aligning with these:

  • Who can you help the most with your content?
  • What type of information can you provide?
  • What is the desired outcome with the content that you’re producing?


Understand your business goals, mission and values as a small business


What type of content can you use?

There are a wide range of resources that you can use to create your content marketing ideas, way to many to list but back to what we said at the beginning, all content must be educational or informational – not selling a product. Therefore the list can begin with:

  • Books / ebooks
  • Webpages / websites
  • Infographics
  • Podcasts
  • Videos
  • Blogs
  • How to’s
  • Surveys

And the list can go on. There is so much content that you create to build your brand, without directly selling.

But the question may come down to what you love to do, what you enjoy doing, what makes you smile and sits right with you personally. Looking at the list about, what jumps out at you and makes you think “yes I can produce that”? These are the things you need to start with. It doesn’t have to be hard, it just has to be true to your brand.

The more you start to think about writing or creating content that adds value rather than selling, the easier it will become. In all you do, the audience should feel like they’re receiving value, or being looked after.


What type of content can you use when it comes to content marketing for a small business?


Implementing the process

Once you’ve established what content marketing is how you can add value to your audience, it comes down to implementing it into your marketing strategy. Social media plays a big part in today’s society in reaching a wide and engaging audience and is often the best way to market to your customers. Build your content ideas into your social media strategy, creating a solid foundation for your business to gain respect, become reputable and trusted within your chosen niche. The more solid and authentic your content is, the more people will become to trust you, in turn becoming loyal and valued customers.

As we mentioned before, great content can increase your brand awareness, it can help build an audience that is interested in what you are about and ultimately it can lead to long-term sales and business growth.

If you’d like to get started with content marketing but are still unsure of how to get off the ground, or would like to look at outsourcing, we’d love to chat with you. Contact us today – let’s talk marketing!

And in the meantime if you’re looking to create engaging content around some of the issues that are important to your audience, why not download our free 2020 Awareness Days Calendar – it’s always good to have new ideas to share!

We look forward to hearing from you.

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